Fishing Report: Godspeed Fans From Chicago!

My group today was vacationing from Illinois, and lucked out with a slick calm day offshore.
We found another "Wal-Mart" school of dolphin, and managed to catch most of our limit in one stop this morning. After that, we caught a couple of nice gaffers while trolling around waiting for a big bite. We did have a couple of marlin encounters today. We pulled off a white marlin on a TLD, that I thought we had dead to rights, missed another one on a long rigger, and had one other mystery bite. Soon the odds are gonna go in our favor! Overall, the billfish bite was slow. There was a scattered yellowfin up to the east. In the afternoon, I wound up in the area of some amberjacks, and my group had all the fish they wanted so we let everybody catch and release one just for fun. Thanks Don, for a great day.