Fishing Report: 11/18/2010

The boys spread out a bit this morning to fish a swath across the Point. Mid way acroos the bay there was a beautiful 76 degree break and inside in 40 fathoms there was a 74 degree break. Peck, Maxwell and Swain fished in the hot while Brynner and Uncle Haywood fished the cold side, Ned set out on the 420 and fished in 76 degrees - and a big nada is what they found! Can you believe it??!! Tony was the highliner - setting out south and fishing the 280...when Creature and the boys found the bite on the 230 rock Tony picked up and ran a bit for an early morning limit of blackfin and an early run home! Lucky Tony!! Anyway, the rest of the crew picked up and ran - including the Tuna fever - Pete took a nap while the boys ran about 33 miles and picked off the last of the bite - it was totally bait oriented and once the bait was gone in 40 fathoms the fish were gone too. In the end there were 10 balcfin and one wahoo for Mike and his crew today. Tomorrow it is meant to blow a little and the forecast looks pretty good for the next few days after that. We had a cancellation for the 27th - Thanksgiving Saturday if anyone thinks they are lucky eough to find the fish - hehe. Tight Lines!